We at Pretty Bee Fresh believe in the importance of giving back to our planet.
We work incredibly hard to encourage people to live a more zero-waste lifestyle, using less plastic and looking at alternatives wherever possible. As a business, we try to reduce our own carbon footprint as much as we can and reuse/recycle materials instead of ditching them after first use.

The fight against plastic is one we can't win alone, hence why we have partnered up with Plastic Oceans UK to help combat the 8 Million tonnes of plastic entering the oceans every year and promote sustainability. We've therefore joined the Plastic Oceans Re-circle Programm, showing our support and our core values for this pressingly urgent issue.
Rethink. Redesign. Reduce. Reuse. Repurpose. Recycle.
Trees for cities
We've also partnered up with Trees for Cities, a UK charity working on a national as well as international scale to improve our livelihood by planting trees in cities and tackling climate change. We are so proud to announce that with every purchase over ï¿¡50, we will donate 10% of our sales to Trees for Cities, which is just the amount we need to plant one tree. So with your purchase, you help us to move one step closer towards a better and more sustainable future.
Global warming is having devastating effects on the world's eco-system, oceans and wildlife. Restoring forests plays an important role in the efforts to limit Earth's warming climate and is paramount to our survival.
Reforestation is probably one of the most effective way to tackle the climate crisis and a world-wide planting program could remove a large amount of the emissions pumped into the atmosphere by human activities.

"By planting thousands of urban trees worldwide each year, Trees for Cities is building resilience against threats facing the natural environment. Planting a range of tree species enhances structural and functional diversity in woodlands and on city streets, as well as building resistance to pests and disease." - Trees for Cities
We're working on developing an educational section here, with tips on how to reduce your plastic intake as well as ways to promote sustainability.
Watch this space for more updates. If you have any ideas or want to get involved in one way or the other, then email us at info@prettybeefresh.com